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Diversity In Action: Overcoming The Challenges Faced By Women Veterans And Military Spouses In The Workplace

Katherine Webster is founder & CEO of VetsinTech, a nonprofit helping veterans accelerate startup & job opportunities in the tech sector.

When it comes to diversity in the workplace, companies often focus on gender, race and ethnicity. However, women veterans and military spouses are also other significant populations that are often overlooked. These populations face unique challenges when transitioning from military to civilian careers.

According to recent statistics, only 1 in 4 leave the military with a job lined up, according to Pew Research Center findings. The situation is even more pronounced for women veterans and military spouses, who face additional barriers.

Addressing The Unique Challenges Faced By Women Veterans And Military Spouses

There are unique challenges women veterans face leaving service or military spouses looking for work. Here are some statistics related to these populations in the workplace:

1. Employment: According to findings from the Institute for Veterans and Military Families at Syracuse University, in 2019, the post-9/11 women veteran unemployment rate was 4.7% versus 3.5% for male veteran unemployment.

2. Underemployment: Women veterans and military spouses are more likely to be underemployed, meaning they have a job that doesn’t utilize their skills or education. Two-thirds of women veterans found their financial transition from the military difficult, compared to 47% of male veterans. And it took three months longer, on average, for women veterans to find civilian employment compared to male veterans.

3. Earnings gap: Women veterans also earn less than their male counterparts. According to 2021 figures from Statista, the median income for women veterans is $40,761 per year, compared to $47,467 for male veterans.

4. Education: According to research published by the U.S. Department of Labor, women veterans have a higher level of education than their male counterparts, with 46% of women veterans having an associate's degree, bachelor's degree or higher compared to 34% of male veterans. It's important to note that military spouses face unique challenges in pursuing higher education due to frequent relocations and other factors associated with military life. Scholarships and online learning programs can help them bring valuable skills and experiences to the workforce.

5. Leadership: Women veterans and military spouses are underrepresented in leadership positions. According to numbers from the Pentagon cited by CNN, women veterans represented 7.1% of the top ranks of the armed forces.

These statistics underscore the need for continued efforts to support women veterans and military spouses in the workplace, including initiatives to address discrimination and bias, increase education and training opportunities, and promote gender diversity in leadership positions.

There’s a critical need for more inclusive hiring practices, and companies that prioritize diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) stand to reap significant benefits. These companies can leverage the unique experiences, perspectives and skills that women veterans and military spouses bring to the table. Diversity can create a more positive work environment, boost creativity and improve the quality of decision-making.

Overcoming Employment Roadblocks With Women Veterans And Military Spouses

Women veterans and military spouses typically possess strong leadership skills like adaptability, teamwork and resilience. These populations have been known to show high levels of integrity and accountability and a strong work ethic—all traits that companies seek in their employees. In addition to training, women veterans and military spouses have various technical skills developed during their military service that can be useful in civilian jobs.

Despite the many advantages women veterans and military spouses bring to the workforce, they still face significant obstacles in the job market. These challenges include a lack of recognition of their skills and experience, discrimination and bias, and a lack of support and resources.

A significant problem is a knowledge gap among employers regarding the value and potential these groups may bring to the workplace, frequently leading to them passing up qualified individuals. Discrimination and bias are also prevalent, with many employers viewing women veterans and military spouses as unreliable due to their military obligations. Finally, the lack of resources and support, such as job training and mentorship, can hinder their ability to secure employment.

Addressing Employment Challenges

Companies can consider implementing some programs to address these challenges:

• Employers can establish outreach and education programs to raise awareness around the benefits of hiring women veterans and military spouses.

• Companies can provide support programs, including training and resources, for these populations.

• Companies can offer DEI training for their HR departments to help eliminate any bias and discrimination in the hiring process.

• Lastly, employers can establish partnerships between the military and private sectors to create job placement programs.

Incentives for companies that commit to hiring women veterans and military spouses, including tax credits and grants, can also encourage more inclusive hiring practices. Creating a supportive community is also essential for providing access to resources, mentorship and networking opportunities. These types of initiatives can help women veterans and military spouses overcome the challenges they face when transitioning to civilian careers.

Our organization has recently designed a new initiative that expands career opportunities for women veterans and military spouses, offering training, mentorship and skills development. Initiatives like this can serve to introduce programs that provide needed support and resources to help women veterans and military spouses build in-demand skills and experience for careers in technology, raising awareness and connecting them with employers committed to DEI initiatives.

It's encouraging to see a growing number of organizations expand their commitment to supporting women veterans and military spouses. Companies that act to support and hire these unique groups could benefit from their skills and expertise, while demonstrating their commitment to DEI, enhancing the company's reputation, leadership and brand. We encourage more companies to follow suit and take action to attract, hire, retain and promote women veterans and military spouses.

In conclusion, addressing the challenges faced by women veterans and military spouses in the job market is crucial. Companies that prioritize diversity and inclusion by creating a more inclusive work environment and implementing programs to support these groups stand to benefit significantly. Women veterans and military spouses possess unique skills and experiences that can add value to the workplace, and companies that recognize and embrace this diversity stand to gain a competitive advantage.

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